Thursday, September 18, 2008


School & Fashion: Five hours until my last final of the quarter is over with. And the project has been finished since late last night, so that's awesome. What else is awesome is my draping IV final is over with (see pics below). What isn't awesome is my BRAND NEW black VS bra (and incidentally best bra I've ever owned) has gone MIA. I bought it, wore it once, and have not been able to find it since. I did several weeks worth of laundry today, and it's not in there. I stripped my bed and it wasn't lost in my comforter. I emptied my car. Nope. I even called my tanning salon, which is a pretty weird phone call to make: "Hi, do you have my bra? Because I like to take it off in public places and then leave without realizing I don't have it." They didn't have it either. WTF.

Draping IV dresses:

Entertainment: S05E02 of Entourage was fab. 88 Minutes has one of the most disturbing opening scenes I've seen in a mainstream movie in years. Blockbuster has a shitty collection of classic movies--no 3 Days of the Condor OR the original The Women OR An Affair to Remember (and the kid working the counter made me feel like I was 50 years old since he'd never heard of ANY of them). SATC: The Movie comes out in 5 days. The new Rise Against CD comes out October 7 (and was apparently influenced by their touring with MCR....meh).

Halloween: I want to be a subtle but realistic vampire. Time to find some badass fangs.