Saturday, May 31, 2008

Not requirements, but...

Must not smoke. Non-negotiable.

Intelligence is very important, or at the very least, intelligent humor.

Sarcastic = huge plus.

No drug use (occasional green usage ok).

Must be a good great kisser.

Dog lover a plus. Dobermans. Great Danes. English Bulldogs. French Bulldogs. Greyhounds. Etc.

Must be a good dancer (and if not, should be ok with me dancing with other guys).

the throw down.

No trust fund babies, unless he's got a great work ethic.

Not set on having kids.

Taller the better, within reason.

Fashion conscious.

I like big cities. I can understand wanting to escape once in awhile, but definitely not into the country/rural lifestyle.

Well groomed. This includes "manscaping."

No cultivated facial hair.

Longer the sideburns, the less interested I become.

Nothing sexier than a guy with a guitar. Or drumsticks. Or an accordian.

Tattoos are a turnon...usually.

Same with piercings.

Doesn't expect me to wear heels and have a perfect manicure 24/7, but appreciates it when I do.

Healthy eaters are sexy. I understand a man likes a burger and fries now and then, but if that's all you eat, we're gonna clash.

A guy who can pick good produce is sexy.

Those allergic to peanuts...move along. I eat way too much peanut butter for us to coexist.

Doesn't own Crocs.

Must be ambitious.

Isn't into chick flicks (or awful movies). I had an ex who thought Gigli was a good movie.

Bad grammer = major turnoff.

I heart Starbucks. It would be nice if the mister did, too.